Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Holy Cow of the Week (Hock):  In honor of the Chiefs single season sack record pace, I looked up the 1989 draft.  The following four players were drafted in the top 5 that year:  Troy Aikman, Barry Sanders, Derrick Thomas, Deon Sanders…..What??? Those are considered by some to be the number one players of all time at their four respective positions.  I’m typing it and I can’t believe it.

See Humpday Hoopla item one (it’s worthy of two items). 

No luck for #Peyton in the house that #18 built

Each and every #DieHard movie is way worse than the previous Die Hard movie.  They keep getting badder and badder and badder.  (I give Die Hard five a 9.5 out of 10)

Edited for TV of the Week (Vow):  “Hippie by day, Ricky Martin.”  –John McClain

#CountdownTo2012:  Sea Serpents -Lub

#FlashbackTo1994:  Mein Leiben

First world series of the millennium with the top record teams from each league facing off….talk about snooze fest city….get off my TV!!!

#ConspiracyOfTheWeek (Spow): Fake Faint! 

KC7 #nochampagne

...and finally...

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