#SegaChannel #FlashBackTo1995
Who’s that girl from the leatherhead pepsi commercial?
That Lindsay Vaugn is…... out. I know from experience dude.
Stew Year’s Resolution: Dream Journal.
#IHadADream that I was collecting newspaper clippings, because they make great
food for my pet horse.
Why do the Mowgli’s have an apostrophe in their name?
Pitchfork mob storms Chinese Walmart: “Why is their fox in
this donkey meat!?!”
Face value for Chiefs-Oilers playoff tickets (the last time
the chiefs won) $25 #RedHumpday
Guinness book of Wolf records
#WelcomeToThePartyPal Straw Poll Results: Who Shot at
Carl Winslow: 40% of respondents say McClane, 60% say Terrorist, and 10%
say he shot himself
Justin Long or Shae LaBuff Straw Poll Results: 60% Say
Justin Long, 40% say Shae Labuf

Michael j. fox – Alex P. Keaton – Michael Keaton
I had to eat my curly fries without Arby’s Sauce,
because I ate them in the car instead of waiting until we got back to the
Driverless cars legal in Michigan.
**Always ask yourself: **These the droids you’re
looking for? **Fail, it’s your last time.

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