Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bursting at the Seams

Where has this been my whole life?

 DC Prayers

CO Prayers

Town Terrorized by clown, carrying teddy bear, balloons  

Playoffs??? Playoffs???  I guess the headset doesn’t fall to far from the tree

Countdown to 2012:  GTAV Riots of ‘13


Ouch, the most famous person born yesterday (9-17) was Neil Boomcamp?  Come on, IMDB couldn’t find anyone better than that.

How:  “New York City plagued by mysterious maple syrup smell”  I’ve wet the bed enough times in my life to know what that smell is

Fact of the week (Fow) – H.O.W. is not “grossest thing of the week (Gow)”

Mystery of the Week (Mow): How the fuss do you get one of these?  

 What’s that girl, the babysitter has been abusing the baby? 

Countdown to 2012:  Fatal Brain Amoeba (FBA) –Lub

Ms. Lohan v. Ms. Lohan….0.20 will get ya 20….and that’s alright.

In honor of Friday the 13th (so I’m early), I present Jason V. v. Sloth.  Now there’s a prize fight that I would fly to vegas with leedog for. 

One-brow and bro-bowl, week two ratings bonanza . . . remember in Brave New World when everyone made the “Sign of the T” because they worshipped Henry Ford?  Well, move over Bill and Steve.

Vail makes top ten –Lub (your eyes will be glad you Lubbed)

If Flacko were my dad, I wouldn’t change his diapers when he turns 50 . . . or whenever that happens to old people.

Flashback to the mid to late 2000’s: I like tooterls

Cow: “I had this roommate in college who was always getting diarrhea and his you-know-what would get chapped, so he would jam a single square of TP between his B-cheeks to ease the pain . . . then I would always find discarded single squares lying around on the floor” -No Lub

Not to be confused with the hit TLC song “No Lubs” . . . you see it’s plural . . . too soon?

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