Rock a mike like a vandal
Flashback to 1990: Thanks Tyler for reminding me that
these guys made vanilla ice look talented, distinguished, and full of
integrity (Only the best of the best).

Back in the mid-2000’s, leedog worked for this money
laundering business, he used to “clock out” at about 4:30 A.M., so when I came
into work real early, we would pass in the night and swap funny workplace
stories. Mine involving the secretary misdialing a fax number and the
obvious hilarity that would ensue…his involving new invovative ways to saw
through human bone. :I
Is the Sasquactch sentenial and the abdominal snowman the
same thing? (see Quantril’s raid)
Proof that Larry’s is a mafia operation: Gonzo = $1.99
Leedog, did you ever work at Larry’s?
Wow: Biennially -Lub
The guy who played the guy who played the man of steel is
caped cruisader. (nope, just a pub stunt)
Chucky 7
Wow: Splashlights- Lub
I like Lorde
Countdown to 2012: Dolphin Meazles
Me and the kids watched Karate Kid Part 4, it was
terrible. All of the sudden Mr. Myogi speaks broken English, his English
was fine in the first three movies then all of the sudden he forgets? But at
least it had Hillary swank (as the karate kid) and a pretty good soundtrack
including cranberries and that song by that lady with long fingernails that
goes “you gotta be bad, you gotta be bone, you gotta be wiser”
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