Wednesday, April 4, 2012


 Helpful Hint

Bruce Weber finished better than Penn State and Nebraska in the final big 10 standings!  (Nebraska has had 40 consecutive sellout seasons, while Penn State has won, I believe 2 national championships!)


The full trailer for “Total Recall” just came out on Sunday.  I’d like to say it looks good, but it almost looks too much like the original classic.  Not really what I’m looking for in a remake.


The check engine light came on in the lemon last night.  They will probably refuse to fix it again, so much for the so called lifetime warranty.  Chrysler can make a good commercial, but that’s it.


You could have bought each of the 176 million possible mega millions tickets and guaranteed that you won the 640 million.  However it would take 28 years to fill out each of the tickets.

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