Why the shorts?
Oh Snap. I just
realized it’s Pi-Month! We’ve wasted so
much time already.
#CountdownTo2012 #Morpheus is here
Did K-State get a bad seed? They’ve beaten 7 teams this year
that have a better seed than them. #Emaw
Did K-state get a stacked bracket? Some say it’s the hardest
regional bracket of all time. #Emaw
#FlappyBird back not soon!!!
#IHadADream I was at my parent’s house on a Saturday afternoon,
helping with some routine maintenance.
We had a party to go to, later in the night, so I wanted to shower, but
I didn’t want to go all the way “up north” to my house. But my parents shower was broken, so I asked
Mrs. O’Donovan (R.I.P.) if I could shower at her house. She said yes, but I fell asleep at her house
in the guest bedroom. I missed the
*** I agree with Cin.
*** The Goonies ARE good enough.
*** Except Brolin’s shorts.

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