Wednesday, July 10, 2013


SisterSister 2013

The long ranger has climbed up to 23% on the tomatometer.

Did anyone ever notice that Amy winehouse and chandlers girlfriend have the same voice.

Flashback to 1995:  Has you seen Tia and Tamara lately…queue train whistle

Braveheart would be really pissed off that they are taking credit for Andy Murray.

Today is 100 year anniversary of hottest day ever recorded.

Flashback to 1997:  Lilith Fair

Flashback to 1994: “Stork chocolate reison Mrs. Lang.”  

Cow: Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. – Lub

Flashback to the early parts of the Millenium:  Remember storm troopers playing guitar on stage at the mtv awards, and rebel pilots as background singers? I rememeber….I remember, I remember, I remember when….

Are they going to switch to best of 9 series this year or the next.  (Cubbies sweep in 5)

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