Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.49, 12-12-12-12-12-12.12

 Back to the well. I think I could look at this picture every day until I die, and I still smile every time I see it

Stat of the week:  16% of online holiday shopping conducted on toilet


James Cameraman announces that Avitar sequal-trillogy (part 2, 3 and 4) will be filmed with high frame rate, but like beta/vhs he is waiting to see what the industry adopts, whether it’s 48 fps or 60.


Trailer-palooza:  M. Night shamalamadingdong’s “After Earth” with Rapper Fresh Prince and Christopher nolan’s “man of steel” both released yesterday.  2013, were it to exist, would have shaped up to be one of the best years in film, of all time.


Notre Dame is going to astro-turf carpet next year.  So why not Lambo?


One more exhibition game left in the sports season, then we wait for September L


Did you hear about the handyman that was forced to fix a few household appliances at gunpoint.


Countdown to 2012:  Hundreds of Thousands of genetically modified mosquitos to be released in Florida


I bought the new Jason born movie.  I went with the combo pack:  Blue Ray, DVD, Digital Copy, and Ultra Violet.  That’s four times the Renner!!!

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