Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Cappernick was robbed by that power outage.


China’s gone spaceballs:  The air is so smoggy that cans of air are being sold as a delicacy.


Gomer gets married.


I thought long and hard about issuing an addendum last week about deer antler spray.  I wisely decided against it.


North Korea released propaganda video of missiles pummeling the US with background music of “We are the World”.  Maybe Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s portrayal of Kim Jung ||| in Team America wasn’t too far off base.


Hey, I would be on board with Leon Sand Castle


Beyonce` in the news again:  Causes “big game blackout of 2013”


Countdown to 2012:  The Feb 15 meteor that will pass within 3.5 earth radii and well within geosyncrounous orbit is the diameter of half a football field and the same size as the famed meteorite that caused the Arizona crater 50,000 years ago.

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