Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Where do you want to go today?


Wow:  Wrought - Lub


I now own a Digital television.  It’s nice to be able to watch TV without one of them there digital-to-analog converters.  In honor of this wondrous event, I will be holding a movie night at my house and you are all invited.  I have been debating it for literally years as to what movie to use for this event, and I have decided that the movie will be James Cameraman’s “The Abyss” starring man-crush material: Michael Bine.  There is one small snag in this idea……The Abyss has not come out yet L.  But as soon as its released, you are all invited to my first movie night!!!


Countdown to DKR:  1


Trivia:  At any given moment, ½ million people are airborne in planes.


Rotton Tomatoes has censored Dark Knight Criticism (a first for RT).  I guess the hard core batties were taking it way to seriously and offering up retaliatory death threats and the like.


Remember when we were kids and the cereal commercials would show a bowl of cereal next to two slices of toast, a glass of milk, a glass of orange juice, a place of scrambled eggs and bacon, and the slick talking narrarator would say:  “part of this complete breakfast”.  I remember as a kid thinking:  “you could replace that bowl of cereal with a cinder block and it would still be part of this complete breakfast”


Got autumn?   I’m getting serious cabin fever.

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